About Us

Europeforcreators.eu is Europe’s way of welcoming all creatives to take their rightful, valuable place in local and global economies. This website was started by a group of people who started their professional lives in the medical field, finance sector, and construction. All typical fields of study and work have propped up the economy for a long time. But we all had passions we set aside in order to do the safe thing. In partnership with the European Union, we sought to make creative endeavours just as safe and conventional as any other profession so people can follow their passions.

There is a huge need for creators to get their hands on useful resources they can use to accomplish amazing projects. This website will be a reliable place to go for applications for government programs, working and collaboration opportunities, as well as tools for increasing your global reach. We are a group of creative people who are ready to help unleash the next generation of creatives into the world and, more importantly, into the world’s economy.

Creativity is Currency

Starting from scratch in creative fields has become the norm over the years. Years and years would pass before anyone could hope to start supporting themselves with their creative endeavours. That is changing. Filmmakers, producers, artists, authors, musicians, and more will have equal access to assistance to be successful.

Governments globally have started to realize the powerful effect the creative industry has on the economy. So, some have decided to implement programs that help promote opportunities in the industry. No matter who you are or what your artistic medium is, you should be able to pursue your dreams, bring your vision to fruition, and gain a global audience. Europforcreators.eu aims to be the place creatives go for guidance and support.

What the Future Holds

The economy has always centred around the consumer. For a long time, big companies have been able to manipulate what a consumer wants. Slowly, people are starting to choose what they want to spend money on. And more often, people are investing in individuals. Into people who create with a passion.

The creative industry wants to maximize growth in this sector by investing in the creators themselves. This means giving them what they need to get started and creating a structure that promotes more growth in the future. Starting with education in primary school grades all the way to on-the-job training for creative fields, europeforcreators.eu is here to help.

In the future, all the jobs within the creative industry will have clear education pathways, so there will be more options for people coming out of school. And those who want to skip formal education will still have the chance to build a career. This future is one that is more inclusive and hopefully more profitable for everyone.


Europeforcreators.eu is here to make sure no one gets left behind. The governments in Europe have decided to take on the worthwhile pursuit of supporting creators. This has resulted in new policies and programs that can change the life of a young creative trying to become a professional. Use this website to stay up to date on all the best and latest resources available to you. Your place in society will improve, and the global economy will benefit.